Why should install ASECAM CCTV Security Systems for your home or office,ASECAM official retail store.ASECAM Official Site
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> >Why should install ASECAM CCTV Security Systems for your home or office

ASECAM CCTV security systems installed at strategic locations. It is used in public places like the airport and malls and even at the workplace or home.

If you haven't installed CCTVs at your workplace or home, here are some reasons why CCTVs are so critical for safety and security:

To maintain a record of activities.
Whether it is at home or the workplace, you would want to know what is happening when you are not around. If you own a business, it could be to monitor the productivity of your employees and keep a record of activities throughout the day. Installing a Close Circuit Television (CCTV) is not a piece of fancy equipment merely for snooping. It is mandatory in any business establishment to pull out footage that may be required later.

You should install a CCTV camera even at home if you have a nanny or domestic help and want to monitor their activity. You may even consider installing one at areas in your house where intruders are likely to break in.

Detect suspicious activities.
If you run a large business or have a big office with many employees and have not installed a CCTV, it is high time you installed a CCTV camera. The lack of CCTV cameras will only embolden criminal elements from trying to sneak into your property to steal or vandalize it. In the event of a break-in, a CCTV camera gives you the footage of the intruder/criminal and the time of crime/theft.

To investigate internal matters.
Sometimes, disputes may arise within staff in a company, or there could be reports of racism, sexual harassment, bullying at the workplace. When incidents are reported to the office authorities, the only way to indict the guilty is by checking for CCTV footage.

Without CCTV footage, the accused could escape punishment.

To detect thieves and deter crime.
Besides incidents at the office that requires investigation, you must also install a CCTV camera to safeguard from external threats or elements. Offices that store merchandise is the primary target of thieves more often than not. If there is 24 hours CCTV surveillance, you can prevent theft and intruders. The sight of CCTV cameras placed at strategic locations also acts as a deterrent for thieves trying to break into a store.

To provide evidence for investigation.
Depending on where the CCTV is placed, CCTV footage data may be required by investigating agencies to unearth crimes like robbery, vandalism, murder, etc. It may not necessarily be for an incident in the office, but because the range of footage your CCTV captures in the immediate vicinity can assist investigators.

To provide evidence in court.
CCTV camera footage can also be used as evidence in court. Therefore, business houses or offices must install CCTV cameras to deal with situations where they might be required to provide footage as evidence in court.

Considering all the reasons stated above, it is evident that CCTV cameras are mandatory for both your house and workplace.

we pay the price of keeping our facilities safe and secure? Do we have a good ROI when we spend our hard earned cash on CCTV monitoring of our facilities? How crucial is it to have our premises covered by a well-designed professionally installed security system?


One of the most cost effective ways to provide security in the workplace is with CCTV Security or Video Surveillance Systems. The highly advanced technology of modern security cameras allow businesses to lower cost and risk by protecting their assets with continuous and seamless monitoring of their facilities. These relatively inexpensive cameras have in the most part replaced expensive security guards while increasing the reliability and accountability to near 100% by providing real time remote video surveillance.

Here are six reasons why CCTV systems are crucial and extremely necessary for businesses today:

Reduce Cost and Risk
CCTV security systems prove themselves as the best investment as soon as they are installed. Full view of your premises and real-time recording as well as remote online access by owner/manager lowers the risk and prevents costly incidents such as burglary, fire, vandalism, etc.

Prevent and Deter Crime
Criminals target buildings and facilities when they see there is no monitoring or watchdog. The very presence of CCTV cameras on an installation is enough to deter potential criminals and prevent their action at the outset. Similarly, by the sight of a safety hazard, employees can take the necessary action to reduce the risk and alleviate the source in the shortest possible times.

Fool-Proof Coverage
A well-designed CCTV infrastructure is practically impenetrable and can provide 100% coverage. Multiple cameras keeping an eye on each other's blind spots in addition to keeping an eye on the most vulnerable areas of the property, full monitoring is not hampered by human errors such as the guard being on shut-eye or being busy with something else. Remote online access as well as recording of the events documents everything should it be needed by the police or judge.

Keep Your Employees Honest
CCTV cameras on the outside prevent break-ins by outsiders, but if installed inside the facility to monitor sensitive materiel, goods, and assets, as well as vulnerable areas of a facility, it will prevent wrong doing by company employees. Even if something happens, the recorded video will prevent wrong accusation and lack of trust among all staff.

Encourage Good Behavior
CCTV cameras help in creating discipline among employees and customers alike. CCTV cameras encourage employees and buyers to be on their best behavior alike. It also gives customers a sense of security and safety as they know they are protected and gives them confidence in doing business with you.

Prevent Safety Incidents
CCTV cameras can be installed in high-risk areas of a business facility or establishment. These high-risk and accident-prone areas include locations where fires can break out as well as locations where a potential danger to the building and personnel exist. Properly selected cameras can prevent potential damage because emergency measures can be taken immediately with careful monitoring.

Assist Law Enforcement
CCTV recording of the scene of the crime, allow law enforcement agencies to use the footage and release photos and videos of the culprits to the public. A picture or a video record of the suspect can make a huge difference when it comes to making an arrest and getting dangerous criminals off the street.

So there you have it! We hope that we have enlightened you on the importance of CCTV Security Systems for your business